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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 街頭小子 the streets » 復古電子未來藍調(Computers And Blues) » Outside Inside

歌 手: 街頭小子 (the streets)

歌 曲: Outside Inside (專 輯:復古電子未來藍調(Computers And Blues))

上傳會員: sinta

日 期: 2011 - 3

歌 詞
作詞:Mike Skinner
作曲:Mike Skinner

wake up and smell the coffee

stirring a word the conversation obsurd
like the herbs of work their pattiences and concured
wake up and smell the coffee
light up and dwell the offerings
drink with a thinking pinch
sit with a kitchen sink

the world is outside but inside warm
inside informal outside stormy inside normal

back to the time skip it on its bullocks
rome to the oven turn it off its on
skin a racket fag im gone
what are we waiting for mate
lets wait to the place
cause its all a bit late
and were all in a bit of a state
weed makes me not want to be in new places fight it!
stare at the same tv watching the torrent like it

the world is outside but inside warm
inside informal outside stormy inside normal

the fossil-ed remains of locked of ancient ways
are buried or lost in every of my mates brains
but i cant find it because they like blazing
solving that problem brings priests and doctors and poets maybe
and hot overclocked brains
im not over shocked blotto or of my rock place
i got their at lunchtime
i was still their at 8
next they were turning chairs onto the table at my place
psychedelic cycle get it?
ride all wet
arrive a bit sketch
but i like bedding

the world is outside but inside warm
inside informal outside stormy inside normal

the world is outside but inside warm
inside informal outside stormy inside normal

the fossil-ed remains of locked of ancient ways
are buried or lost in every of my mates brains
but i cant find it because i like blazing!
Solving that problem can be quite amazing

the world is outside but inside warm
inside informal outside stormy inside normal

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